Uganda pad project

We offer free re- usable pads to girls and women in Rural Uganda .


Re-usable sanitary pads project

So the Uganda pad project provides free reusable pads that are sustainable and easily renewable allowing the girls and women to wash and reuse them rather than having to buy disposable pads every month .In addition,they are comparatively inexpensive and environmentally friendly. This greatly mitigate the disadvantages and challenges many disempowered girls and women endure during the process of menstruation.

  • Our Mission
  • our Goal

Mission to expand access of menstrual supplies to girls and women in Rural Uganda,

Our goal is to ensure that every girl and woman in Rural Uganda can access free re-usable pads ,menstrual cups,soap and panties to use in their periods.

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Girls Helped

Many compassionate individuals feel the calling to give of their time and energy as well as of their resources in supporting this project .
Therefore ,all beneficiaries are given free menstrual supplies like Pads ,menstrual cups & sterilizer, soap and panties.
The pads consist of ;
* 2 Bases .
* Many liners .
* 1 bag for clean pads .
* 1 bag for dirty pads .

For those wishing to contribute your talent and make the pads ,contact us on Facebook for ;
* Bill of materials for pad kits
* Patterns of pads and bags
* Written instructions
* Workshops
* An instructional video.


Girls and women served to-date.









Building a better world for Girl Child